Welcome to Bluewater

Welcome to Bluewater

In a world drowning in unhealthy drinks & throwaway choices, there’s an opportunity to be different.

Bluewater promotional image

With Bluewater, you’re no longer buying a drink, you’re making your own.

Bluewater About Image

For You

With Bluewater you’re choosing health over harmful ingredients.

For People
For People Colored

For People

You’re supporting projects delivering pure water to those in need.

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Giving back projects


Hydration stations in schools in disadvantage communities.

Fire Fighters

Drinking water to fire fighters during disasters.


Education on the importance of water in our poor communities.

For the Planet

1 Billion

Bottles Saved

mother earth also lightened by 15 million bottles we've picked up

mother earth also lightened by 15 million bottles we've picked up

Dive deeper into what we do for you, people and the planet

Water Purification

What is Carbon Filtration?

Understanding the Importance of Carbon Filtration for Water Purity Water is vital, and ensuring its purity is crucial for health and wellness. Carbon filtration is one of the most effective methods for removing impurities from water, making it safe and cl...

Dr. Ahmed Fawzy, Chief Scientist på Bluewater Group.

Kommuner svarar inte på enkät om PFAS

Bluewater har ställt en enkät till 30 av Sveriges 50 största kommuner om PFAS-halter i det kommunala dricksvattnet. En tredjedel av de tillfrågade kommunerna väljer att inte besvara frågorna. – Är det så att ämnet PFAS inte är prioriterat eller att kommun...